
Valentine Bunting

Hi all!  So... The past day or so I have had not one, but TWO snow days!   The snow ended yesterday morning and the plow just came through for the first time late this morning... There are still cars stuck on Lake Shore Drive.  Chicago is pretty much buried for good, I think.

I had to drive home from work during the beginning of the blizzard - I had no idea it would get so bad so quickly - my normal 45 minute commute became two and a half hours long.  By the end of the trip my windshield wipers were so caked with ice they were pretty much non functional.  Once reaching home - to top it all off - I had to parallel park.  I couldn't see a thing, but I'm pretty much a parallel parking bad ass so it was a cinch.  (Not really, actually - totally lying about that.)

But cuddling up inside and watching the snow come down was the best!

I can't even begin to describe how much I love snow storms and snow days... taking it easy and just enjoying the beauty of the weather is the best...I stocked up on hot chocolate and brownie mix and pub cheese and stayed inside and ate to my heart's content.  I love to sit and look out the window and just watch the snow.

Not too mention Chicago turns into playful dog heaven when there is tons of snow on the ground... I got to pet so many cute dogs playing in the snow...

And I crafted:

Isn't it pretty?  

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