
Visit to the Junk Asyulm

Here is my find from the Junk Asylum, which I wrote about last week.  I discovered they have a website, although I didn't think they would.  Being a city slicker I assume people from small towns don't know what the internet is yet.   If you are near the Quad Cities I apologize for my ignorance and suggest you check the Junk Asylum out.

Ducks!  Geese! Swans!

Despite the fact that my entire family, including Boyfriend, think they are creepy, I like them.  They really caught my eye and were only $10 for the pair.  Not bad, in my opinion.  My brother left the store a happy camper as well, his new Mr. T and the A Team puzzle in hand.  I saw a few things in there that I have been looking for, including an old metal fold out kitchen stool that reminds me of one my grandmother had when I was a kid.  Although it was only $12 or $15 dollars, I didn't purchase it because it was pretty wobbily.  I just looked for some on Ebay, and they sell for a whole lot more than that, albeit in a little better shape.  Eh, I'm not really the type who is into fixing up furniture.  I have enough projects started already that I will probably never finish.  Also, my thrifing philosophy is that if I don't absolutely LOVE it, I don't by it.  Otherwise I end up getting stuff just because it is cheap, and sending it back later.  I am still working on this.  For some reason, it is hard not to buy cheap things.  Who knew?

Edit:  Oh, and I forgot to mention I am linking up with the folks at Apron Thrift Girl...


  1. Hehe... I absentmindedly called them ducks in the store once, and now I haven't been able to stop My brain is mush lately.



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