Today I was teaching a first grade class and there were no sub plans. Zip. Nada. 5 - 5 = 0.
So... I had to make do by scrapping together what little information I had: yesterday's schedule on the board and a practically empty lesson plan book. Luckily my students were really helpful and I'm good at getting information out of them without letting on how clueless I actually am. Plus I am also the best substitute teacher in the entire world (see this post.)
I had to make do here and there (I couldn't get the smart board working because I had no idea how to connect it to the computer - technology: not my forte) and so I pulled out some good old fashioned flashcards I keep which have famous landmarks on them, and went through those...
I had a kid call the house in which the president lives The White Castle. I can see how this might be confusing.
I held up a card with Mount Rushmore on it, and several kids started shouting "Oh The Flintstones, The Flintstones!" Although this is quite a clever assertion, I fail to see the resemblance:
Well, I had a lot of fun today, to say the least!
Lovely bllog you have here